Posts Categorized: Colocation

Who Uses Colocation Data Center Services?

The number of server hosting options available to businesses seems to multiply by the day, but behind the marketing fluff there are really only a few options worth considering: on-premises, cloud, colocation, and dedicated server plans. Each has its place, but I’d like to take a closer look at the types of organization that choose… Read more »

Five Qualities A Premium Colocation Provider Must Have

The colocation industry is home to a vast range of vendors with wildly varying capabilities. At the bottom end of the market, all it takes is the room, power, and bandwidth to house a few servers and keep them connected to the internet most of the time. At the top end of the market are… Read more »

Five Questions You Should Ask A Colocation Provider

The quality of colocation providers and colocation data centers varies enormously, from companies that will house your infrastructure in a world-class data center they own and manage to fly-by-night operators who can’t guarantee great service no matter what their marketing might say. If your company has decided to host its hardware in a colocation data… Read more »

When Your Business Grows Up, It’s Time To Think About Colocation

When you’re in the colocation business, you hear the following story all the time. A couple of smart entrepreneurs found a startup. They’re looking for low-cost, agile infrastructure so they launch their first servers on a cloud platform. The cloud lets them get up and running quickly. They launch more cloud servers as the amount… Read more »

Why Choose An Atlanta Data Center For Colocation?

Atlanta is known internationally for many things: Coca-Cola, the Atlanta Braves, Southern hospitality, and incredible music, but over the last couple of decades The City in a Forest has established a reputation in an entirely different area: as a globally renowned tech hub and the data center location of choice for thousands of businesses. We’d… Read more »

Choosing The Right Location For Colocation

Although it’s a bit of a mouthful, the location of your colocation data center is a vital component in the success of your business’ infrastructure strategy. To choose the right colocation data center for your servers, you need to balance several factors, ranging from geographical location to network connectivity. Compromising on any one factor can… Read more »

Using Colocated Hardware For Your Private Cloud

A private cloud is a single-tenant cloud platform. On public cloud platforms, the underlying physical layer is shared between multiple users. Public cloud is a useful and popular modality, but there are many reasons an enterprise organization might prefer private infrastructure.

What Can You Expect From Your Colocation Provider?

Colocation is the hosting of your hardware in a data center managed by a third-party data center provider. Unlike many forms of infrastructure hosting, you don’t lease the hardware from the data center provider. You choose and purchase the servers and other equipment you want to host, and your colocation provider houses them and provides… Read more »

Cloud Vs Colocation: When On-Prem Becomes A Bottleneck

In the life of any successful company, there comes a time to expand IT infrastructure to accommodate increased demand. In 2017, companies that once would have chosen to build on-premises are looking for alternative solutions as they outgrow their existing data centers. For all but the largest of companies — those that need to house… Read more »