Atlanta Data Center
Our 20,000 square foot colocation data center is located at 55 Marietta Street, in the heart of downtown Atlanta’s internet exchange district.

Data Center Power

Professionally maintained power infrastructure to keep your business online
- 2MW power capacity
- Multiple service feeds from major Metro Atlanta power grids
- 100+ KvA UPS capacity availability
- Generated power in case of grid failure
- A+B Power redundancy options
- 120v/208v clean power
- Surge protection and voltage regulation
- Regular preventative maintenance
Network & Bandwidth

Fully meshed redundancies with multiple BGP peers
- 10 gigabit capacity on multiple peers
- Full mesh BGP/OSPF network topology
- 4 core routers
- 10Gbps redundant uplinks to providers and across network distribution
- Fiber run access to nearby facilities and carriers
- Cisco 720-3BXL core switched redundant networks
- Cisco customer distribution networks
- 24/7/365 network monitoring tools available
- Network engineers on site for consultation
- Scalable bandwidth options
- Carrier Neutral facility with 96 fibers to Meet-Me-Room
Data Center Cooling

Professionally designed and maintained cooling systems
- 6x 20 ton glycol CRAC units
- 500 ton expansion capacity
- Regular preventative maintenance
- Hot/cold aisle containment
- 24/7 environmental warning with alerts
- N+1 reduncancy with concurrent capability
Data Center Security

24/7/365 manned facilities with security patrols and multiple security checkpoints
- 90 Day recorded CCTV log
- Intrusion detection
- On-site guards 24/7/365
- Building security for filtered access
- Keycard access to all floors of the building
- Keycard access and escorted access to facilities
- Locked cabinets
- HID proximity card access
Client Lounge

24/7/365 comfortable client lounge for working near your equipment
- Coffee bar
- Comfortable seating
- Wifi
- TV with Netflix and other streaming services
- RetroPie Gaming System
- Always open