Encryption is a very important factor in our digital lives. It is something we encounter every day, whether we realize it or not. For companies that store our private information, it is extremely important that no one else has access to the data. However, for individuals, convenience may outweigh the added security in some instances.
What Is Encryption?
Encryption is a way of storing or sending information securely. By securely, we are referring to the encrypting of the data. Encryption doesn’t mean the data can’t be accessed, but rather, if it does get accessed, it won’t be readable. Think of someone writing a message on a plate, then painting over the message and breaking the plate into millions of tiny little pieces. If someone gets the plate, they will have no idea what the message says. However, when you give the broken pieces to the person that is supposed to have it, the plate gets magically put back together with a key. This is, of course, a very simplified explanation.